Unleash the Chaos


We needed to launch Lynx Attract male and female variants - It became a big social and video campaign and Lynx's most successful ever product launch. It won 2 Silver DMAs for best launch campaign and FMCG Campaign and a Rev award for best FMCG launch, and was short listed for 2 Campaign Big Awards.



We thought we'd have a bit of fun with teasing the launch by selling a few moody cans on eBay. We also caught a dodgy guy selling them on the street...


We got the opportunity to sell the first batch of 100 female Attract fragrances on Facebook (a Unilever first). To celebrate we hand delivered the first 10...


We built a hub on Facebook to consolidate all the chaos around the country, brought on by the launch of Attract.

Whilst the TVC suggested chaos was everywhere due to the new fragrances. In reality this obviously wasnt true so we had to get busy, guerilla style and get creating chaos...


We also created a series of audio ads 

We created a lot of organic social content, setting up and closing down fake dating websites, setting up a chaos bunker, making a HTML5 chaos training game, doing some 3D street chalk art and creating tips for chaos safety.